The Philosophy of Health
Wounding occurs when our thought is troubled with things for which we lack talent.
Sadness, decrepitude, uneasiness and torment are wounds.
Wasting time abed, lying down after a heavy meal, getting breathless from running: all these are wounds.
Therefore, the prescription for nurturing life is this:
-Do not walk too fast.
-Do not listen too intently.
-Do not look too long.
-Do not sit too long.
-Do not stay in bed until you get too weak.
-Dress before you get chilled.
-Lighten your dress before you get overheated.
-Eat only to satisfy.
-Do not over-drink.
-Do not overwork or take too much ease.
-Do not emphasize any of the Five Savors when eating:
. for too much acidity harms the spleen,
.too much bitterness harms the lungs,
.too much acridity harms the liver,
.too much salt harms the hart,
.too much sugar harms the kidneys.
The remarkable thing about this bit of wisdom is that it holds true to this day, even though it was written so long ago in 320 A.D.
(Ko Hung, a Taoist Scholar Nei P’ien; an excerpt from his secret teachings published 320 A.D.)